Yes, a SSL Certificate can be issued to multiple SAN (Subject Alternative Name)
How long does it take for the Server to be online?Normally it takes 3 business days until the servers is online. The time is calculated after the...
I have my own Operating System. Can I use it?At the moment, we don't support custom images. However, this will be a feature available for our...
Installing the OS on a HP ServerInstalling an OS via iLO on a HP Server is very easy. Mount the OS disk via iLO -> Virtual...
Installing the OS on a Supermicro Server using IPMIInstalling an OS via IPMI on a Supermicro Server is very easy. Mount the OS disk via IPMI /...
What Operating System do we use?We provide the major Linux distributions: Centos (6/7/8), Debian(9/10) and Ubuntu(14/16/18/20) as...
What is IPMIThe Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a set of computer interface...
What is a SSL Certificate?SSL comes form Secure Sockets Layer, and represents, among others, the encrypted communication...
What is the guaranteed uptime?We provide a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%